The school is situated on National Highway no. 1, GT karnal road, Gannaur, Distt. Sonipat, Haryana.
Nearest Airport: It is at 77 km distance from Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport
Nearest Railway station: Gannaur railway station is at 5km distance.
and from Delhi karnal by pass 50km. Private and public transport is easily available to reach the destination.
Yes, the school is Co-educational.
The School is affiliated to Central Board of secondary education, New Delhi.
All the teaching staff is qualified as per the CBSE norms.
We aim to ensure that all the students achieve 100% result in CBSE examination with large number of merits and distinctions holders.
In Primary and Pre-primary classes, we consider strength as 25 with one class in charge, Subject in charges, activity in charges. As in Middle and secondary stage we consider strength as 30 and in senior secondary we consider strength as 35 with class in-charge, subject in-charge, sports in-charge who teaches them and guide them to improve and grow with good skills.
The medium of instruction is English.
Yes, theSchool has tied up with Akash Institute that provides coaching for IIT-JEE, NEET, AIIMS, NTSE, Olympiads.
The school Provides professional coaching for Cricket, Volleyball, Handball, Netball, Taekwondo, basketball, badminton, tennis, Lawn tennis,Athletics, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Throwball, Skating, Hula Hoops, Rope Skipping, Horse Ridding, Gymnastic.
*Note: We are in Collaboration with CAP sports. CAP sports in association with Crickingdom by ROHIT SHARMA. Its Operations for cricket academy will commence from April onwards.
The Campus area is very well centralized with Air Conditioned. There is a bunk bed system for every individual boarder. Along with their bed boarder get the facility of induvial Study table and Cupboard within the hostel Hall. Attached washroom & Bathrooms are also provided with all hostel hall for Students comfort.
Yes, we do have separate hostel area for all boys & girls with all equal facilities.
Purely vegetarian food is provided in school mess.
Parents can meet their ward on Weekends or after school hours once in a month. The criteria to meet their ward is as per the hostel rules and with the prior permission of the Principal.
Boarders are not allowed to make call their own. Calling has been made to parents as per the schedule of calling. Usually boarders are allowed tomake call on 2 nd and 4 th Sunday as per schedule in presence of warden.
Parents can make their request through an official Email or ERP message.
Boarder can contact parents through telephonic mode.
Yes, Seasonal fruit has been provided to the students in Fruit Break and Milk is provided twice in a day, once with breakfast and once after Dinner.
No, we don’t provide any such facility in the campus due to some security reasons for boarders.
Once in every month we take our students for local tours and excursion and twice in a year we take our students on outstation trips.
No, parents cannot join school trips and tours.
Yes, we do provide 10% concession on tuition fee to the younger sibling.
Yes, We provide scholarship and concessions over scholarship by considering their efforts on academics, cultural and sports.